New Wave

New Wave

New wave is a loosely defined music genre that encompasses pop-oriented styles from the late 1970s and the 1980s. It was originally used as a catch-all for the various styles of music that emerged after punk rock, including punk itself. Later, critical consensus favored "new wave" as an umbrella term involving many popular music styles of the era, including power pop, synth-pop, ska revival, and more specific forms of punk rock that were less abrasive. It may also be viewed as a more accessible counterpart of post-punk.

New Wave
  • The Companies

    THE COMPANIES ARE A NEW WAVE/INDIE BAND FROM ALL CORNERS OF THE I.E. Which is a region of Southern California. We resonate deep with the 80's KROQ flashbacks that can also seamlessly fall inline with the indie sounds of today.
    Our music is passion and the plasma that flows throughout our creativ...